Quartz countertops are highly preferred nowadays. As a quartz fabricator in Michigan, it is your duty to manufacture them precisely according to the requirements of your customers. In order to ensure optimal accuracy, it is important to keep certain elements in mind, especially when you are a quartz countertop manufacturer for commercial areas of Michigan. In the following section of the blog, we are going to share how to measure the quartz countertops for commercial purposes. You can also apply this technique while measuring and cutting quartz for multi-family apartments as well.
The Tools You Need to Measure Quartz
Tape Measure
Most of the quartz countertop fabricators use retractable tape while measuring quartz stones for commercial usage. The main reason for this tape is it offers the most accurate numbers. It is better not to use a cloth tape measure because they are stretchable. Thus, you will not get the right measurements.
Graph Paper
You can also make sketches on plain paper, but quartz countertop fabricators use graph paper while measuringquartz for commercial areas of Chicago. The reason is, graph papers can illustrate the measurements in a much more accurate way. Graphs in the papers are in quarter-inch squares and they work well for imperial measuring.
Pencils & Calculator
Don’t use a pen while measuring quartz countertops for commercial purposes in Indiana because mistakes are bound to happen. Erasing the pencil marks is easier. Use pencils with a hard lead to avoid smudges and streaks. The numbers have to be clear because you might need to take a photo or scan the sketch for help during the manufacturing process. Also, keep a calculator nearby. Having a calculator is important, especially when measuring countertops. You will need to do some maths. A regular calculator will be enough.
Here is How Quartz Countertop Fabricators Measure Quartz for Commercial Purposes
Sketching the Room
This is the first thing that the fabricators do while measuring quartz for commercial areas in Indiana. Creating a rough sketch for the area to be covered in Quartz will help in recording the measurements. This should also include the appliances, fixtures, sinks, in the diagram, especially if your customer plans to keep them after remodeling.
Include the Layout of the Cabinets
If the idea is to keep existing cabinetry, then it is better to draw the layout of the cabinets. If there is a plan to shift the cabinets or alter them, then you can make a sketch of the cabinets for the new location.
Breaking Into Blocks
As a quartz countertops fabricator for commercial areas in Indiana, it is better to break the existing counter surfaces into different blocks. You’ll have to work with two different dimensions: the length and the width. The length is the lateral measurement throughout the counter-surface and the width is the depth from the back of the wall to the front face.
Start to Measure
Start measuring the length of one section of the quartz countertop by placing the tape along the back edge from one end to the other end. When experienced quartz fabricators in Chicagomeasure the countertops, they don’t stop when they reach the sink. Instead, they continue to measure it till they have reached the cabinet, an appliance, or a wall. This is how you should do it too. While measuring the width of the new cabinets, it is important to run the measuring tape from the back of the cabinet to the front top edge of the cabinet. Add 1-1.5 inches to the measurement for the countertops overhang.
The Calculation
It is important to make an approximate calculation of the square footage of the countertops. To calculate the area of every countertop, multiply the length and the width (L*B = Area). You will get the total square inches when you add the areas of every section. Calculate the square footage now. Divide the total square inches by 144. Total square inches / 144 = total square footage.
Measuring the Countertops with Angles
When your customer has an L-shaped counter
- While measuring the L-form of layout, you have to measure two surfaces. Label both the surfaces as Section A and Section B.
- Find the length of section A. Measure from one end of the counter to the wall. Then, to measure the width of section A, measure it from the front edge of the counter to the wall.
- Find out the length of section B from the opposite end in the same way as section A.
- Then, calculate the area or the square inches of every section. Multiply the length with the width of every section. You will get the total area by adding the area of every section.
- Now, you can get the square footage when you divide the total area by 144. Total square inches / 144 = total square footage.
How to Measure Irregular Quartz Countertops
- In the case of irregularly shaped quartz countertops, what the professional fabricators in Michigan do is, divide them into square sections. The square sections can have negative spaces.
- You can measure the length and width of every square section.
- For every section, you have to multiply the length and breadth to get the square inches.
- Now, calculate the total area by adding the areas of every section.
- Get the square footage in the similar manner mentioned above.
Measure everything twice to make sure you have got the accurate numbers. As mentioned by professional quartz countertop fabricators in Chicago, these measurement guidelines are for preliminary estimation of the quartz requirements in the commercial areas. There is still some more measuring work needed while doing the actual cutting and installation. When the countertop measurement is done, you can start the cutting and installation of the countertops in your area.